Graduate Student Conference Travel Fund


Award Description and Eligibility

The School of Architecture encourages graduate students to disseminate their work and advance their careers by presenting papers, posters and other research products at conferences, seminars, symposia and workshops. The Graduate Student Conference Travel Fund is designed to help support these efforts. All enrolled graduate students at the School of Architecture are eligible.



Applicants should note that funds are limited and are assigned based on availability.

  • A student is eligible to receive only one Conference Travel Fund Award per academic year.

  • A maximum of $450 may be awarded for domestic conferences, and a maximum of $900 may be awarded for international conferences.

  • Reimbursements up to the above amounts are conditional upon submission of expense receipts after the student’s return from the conference. These receipts must be submitted to Alycia Barney (CFA 201).



Send the following application materials to Asst. Head David Koltas at

  1. Completed Graduate Student Conference Travel Fund Application Form,

  2. Evidence of acceptance to the conference, and

  3. Copy of submitted paper.



Contact Dave at


Additional Funding

Students are expected to obtain additional funds from their advisors and/or research sponsors, and to apply for any fellowships, travel funds or student volunteer opportunities offered by Carnegie Mellon or by the conference organizers. 

The Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) offers conference funding. View detailed information on the GSA's Conference Funding application and selection process.