Master’s & PhD Programs
Architecture–Engineering–Construction Management
Computational Design
Doctor of Design
Master of Architecture
Building Performance & Diagnostics
PhD in Architecture
Multiple Degree Options
Accelerated Master's Program
Current Baccalaureate Students
STEM-Eligible Degree Programs
Many of the graduate programs at the SoA have been assigned CIP codes that are STEM-eligible. This means that in addition to one year of OPT, a student may apply for a 24-month OPT STEM Extension.
The Master of Advanced Architectural Design (MAAD), the Master of Architecture (M.Arch) and the Master of Science in Building Performance & Diagnostics (MSBPD) programs are assigned the CIP code – 04.0902, Architectural and Building Sciences/Technology. The Master of Science in Architecture Engineering Construction Management (MSAECM) is assigned the CIP code – 15.1501, Engineering/Industrial Management. The Master of Science in Computational Design (MSCD) is assigned the CIP code – 15.1302, CAD/CADD Drafting and/or Design Technology/Technician. The Master of Science in Sustainable Design (MSSD) is assigned the CIP code – 30.3301, Sustainability Studies.
The GEM Fellowship Program
The School of Architecture supports the National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc. (GEM), a nonprofit organization, in its effort to support graduate program study fellowships for underrepresented groups (African Americans, American Indians, and Hispanic Americans) at the masters and doctoral levels in engineering and the physical sciences.
For more information, please review eligible architecture graduate degree programs and the process for applying to the School of Architecture Graduate Program as a GEM candidate on our website’s GEM Fellowship Program page.
Graduate Admissions
Because our graduate programs are highly specialized, each program has unique application requirements. Visit the Graduate Program Admissions page to view a step-by-step application guide for the program(s) you want to apply to.