General Lab Policy

The following applies to ALL approved dFAB Users using dFAB facilities; Offices, Computer Room, Material Store Room, Vacuum Press/Panelsaw Room, Laser Room, CNC Room, Vacuum Former Room, 3D Printer Rooms, and corridors. All users are trained on correct Operating Procedure and Policies at the time of instruction. Digital equipment and work-flows can be efficient and beneficial toward ALL user end-goals, so long as all users abide by the following policies. Users are expected to operate and stay up-to-date with all dFAB policy & procedural requirements. Any indication of neglect and/or misunderstanding of dFAB Policy & Procedure will result in: Infractions, Suspensions, Fines, or Fees.

a. INVENTORY: Material is available for purchase during normal operating hours, from dFAB Personnel. All purchased materials are billed to student accounts or string accounts. Price lists are available, but change often. For an Account Total/Status, please contact dFAB Administration via e-mail. Specific material orders can be accommodated, so long as they are discussed with dFAB Administration well in advance of the needed start date. The Material Store Room is off-limits during non-operational hours.

b. FOOD: Food is only allowed in the corridor areas of dFAB. Do not set food containers on any equipment. Open drink containers are not permitted in the dFAB (i.e. Fountain Drink cups, coffee mugs, etc.). Users are permitted to bring closed drink containers, but may NOT set them on any table or equipment. They are to be placed on the floor. You are responsible for any trash leftover from your meal/drink. You will be charged for leftover food, drinks, containers, or any other items food related.

c. STORAGE: dFAB has limited storage space available for any user seeking to store a project. Users are permitted to store any material, or projects for the duration of (3) days. Users must fill out a ‘Material Storage’ form and have it signed by a Monitor. After which, the user may store the project in the corridor adjacent to the Material Store Room. If stored in any other Area, or beyond the allotted (3) day storage period, dFAB reserves the right to scrap stored projects or materials. Store at your own risk!

d. TRASH: Any left material, projects, or scraps over 2’ in length, are grounds for a material removal fee of $25-$100, based on weight. There are trash cans available for smaller scraps in dFAB. If the scraps, projects, or materials do not fit in a trash can, the owner is responsible for taking it to the dumpster. Users may request the use of a larger rolling trashcan for larger scraps. The rolling trashcan must be emptied in the dumpster and returned before the user’s equipment reservation has ended. The dumpster is located beyond the outside stairs of the dFAB along the back wall of MMCH, past the Pre-School parking lot. Users are responsible for cleaning any debris that collects on equipment and/or in the facilities. Failure to comply will result in Equipment or Facility Suspension.

e. 3DPRINT: 3D-Print Submission is limited to normal operating hours. Users are required to prepare 3D-Print files and complete a 3D-Print Form before being entered into the queue. Prints are completed on a first come first served basis. The 3D Printing Rooms are off limits to all non-dFAB personnel.

f. MONITORS: dFAB trains student employee Monitors on several administrative tasks and procedures. These employees receive safety instruction and are skilled within the realm of digital equipment use, file preparation, and work flow. This dFAB staff acts as the monitoring force in dFAB when administrators are unavailable. dFAB Monitors are available for file preparation and equipment assistance. Seek out a Monitor with any questions or concerns you may have.

g. REPAIR: Equipment failures and breakages are diagnosed and repaired by dFAB Administration, between the hours of 9:00am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday. Student Monitors are not responsible for equipment repairs. Upon equipment malfunction, all equipment reservations are considered ‘Cancelled’ until further notice.

h. EMERGENCY: In case of any Emergency, notify dFAB Personnel immediately and the proper authorities.

i. ACCESS: Before using equipment, All users must complete training within a dFAB affiliated course. For a list of available courses, please contact the dFAB Administration.

j. WEBSITE: The dFAB website acts as the public forum for all dFAB related updates, resources, and information. Important updates are made available on the dFAB website.

k. ROOMS: All rooms housing dFAB equipment are bound by their own specific Policy and Procedure. Information can be found on the dFAB Website and posted within the room. Any area, room, or space that is under key and lock, is considered OFF-LIMITS to non-dFAB personnel.

l. HOURS: dFAB utilizes an appointment scheduling system as a publicly available calendar and reservation system. This system allows approved users to schedule appointments for equipment use and office appointments for dFAB consulting. The dFAB Reservation System also posts Hours of Operation. Before visiting the lab, please visit the dFAB reservation system, and make sure the lab is open.



The following list applies to all approved dFAB users using the dFAB reservation system for equipment and office hour and appointments. All users are trained on correct operating procedure and policies at the time of instruction.

a. LOGIN INFORMATION: Login ID’s and passwords are created for every user that has participated in a course or training that uses equipment within the dFAB facilities. By using this reservation system, you agree to the policies, procedures, & penalties.

b. TIME RESTRICTIONS: Once a user is permitted to log into the Online Reservation System, they may reserve time on a half-hour basis. Each piece of equipment has a max number of hours available for reserving time. Each user is limited to these hourly constraints. Additional time allowances are made for users participating in a course that requires heavy use of dFAB equipment.

c. APPOINTMENTS: Reservations and/or appointments must be titled with your Andrew ID. If the reservation is for a group project, please list the additional Andrew ID’s of the other users within your group in the Description Area of your Reservation. Failure to comply may result in a ‘No-Show’ Infraction.

d. DAILY RESTRICTIONS: Reservations and/or appointments may be created up to (5) days in advance.

e. LIMITS: All students are limited to (3) equipment specific reservations per week.

f. FILE PREPARATION: Reservations are for equipment use only. File preparation should be complete before your reservation begins.

g. INFRACTIONS: If you are found in violation of Reservation System Policy, you will be credited with an ‘Infraction.' Your ‘Infraction Total’ is recorded and reported daily during the semester.

h. INFRACTION TOTAL: All Equipment enforces a Three (3) Infraction Limit. Each Infraction, equates to Five (5) Open Lab Days of Suspended Equipment and Reservation System Privileges.



1. LATE CANCELLATION: If you fail to cancel your reservation, prior to the reservation starting, you will receive (0.5) Infraction(s).

2. FILE PREPARATION: If you utilize your Equipment Reservation Time for more than 30 minutes of File Preparation, during which the Equipment is not running; you will receive (0.5) Infraction(s). Additionally, your time may be forfeited by dFab Administration to ANY USER ready to use the equipment.

3. LATE ARRIVAL: If you are 15-30 minutes late for your Equipment Reservation, you will receive (0.5) Infraction(s). Additionally, after 15 minutes has passed, your time may be forfeited and reserved by a separate user.

4. NO SHOW: If you do not show up for your reservation, and fail to cancel your time; you will receive (1) Infraction(s). dFab Administration will attempt to cancel your reservation 30-60 minutes within your ‘NO-SHOW’.

5. EQUIPMENT INSUFFICIENCY: If you leave Equipment in a state that prevents the next user from properly utilizing the Equipment; you will receive (0.75) Infraction(s). Additionally, you may receive a ‘dFab Administration : Clean-Up’ Fee.

6. EQUIPMENT MISUSE: If you improperly use Equipment in a manner that endangers yourself or other users; your actions will be reviewed by the Lab Manager & Director. After review, your privileges can be revoked, or you may receive multiple Infractions.

7. SUSPENSION: If your Equipment privileges have been revoked for any reason, and you attempt to use the restricted Equipment; your actions will be reviewed by the Lab Manager & Director. After review, your privileges can be permanently revoked, or you may receive a longer restricted access period away from the Equipment.



Note: Student and course work take priority during the Fall and Spring semesters.

To request dFAB access for full-time faculty research, please provide a brief description of your research project including a schedule, string billing code(s), the equipment likely needed, and a list of the individuals that you plan to have working in dFAB on the project. Your proposal will be reviewed by the dFAB Administration in consultation with the SoA Department Head, as necessary.

To help facilitate your request, we recommend submitting your proposal at least one month before your intended start date. To help expedite the process, please use our Full-time Faculty Research Request Form available here: dFAB_FFRRF

Full-time faculty that plan to use dFAB resources as part of their research need to be qualified to use the equipment and/or be able to hire research assistants that are pre-qualified to work in dFAB. It is the responsibility of the faculty member to locate and employ qualified individuals who work with lab equipment on the project. Sufficient levels of training and affiliation with the SoA as a student, faculty member, or research staff are required in advance of the research start date. A one-week long dFAB training course for faculty is available during certain times of the year. Please contact dFAB Administration for the next available training time. The syllabus for the course is available here: SoA dFAB Lab Certification Training for Faculty

While there are no costs associated with the use of the dFAB equipment by full-time faculty, a string billing code is required in advance for all 3D printing materials, store purchases, and equipment damage due to improper use or neglect of the machines.

Hours of access are limited to regular lab hours, dFAB staff will provide monitoring of the lab, but all operational support of the project is the responsibility of the faculty and/or their assistants.

Some resources will be unavailable at times when preventative maintenance is performed.  During this time, access to resources is closed. Notice will be given well in advance, whenever possible.

In preparation for new school years, all summer projects must vacate the lab and associated spaces two weeks before the start of the Fall semester. This includes removing all remaining materials and cleaning any spaces occupied during this time.