Roshni Krishnan Awarded Top Prize in Module Design Challenge

Roshni Krishnan, MSSD '18 (center) won the first annual Module Design Challenge competition.

Roshni Krishnan, MSSD '18 (center) won the first annual Module Design Challenge competition.

The School of Architecture congratulates MSSD student Roshni Krishnan, winner of the first annual Module Design Challenge competition.

Roshni’s design entry, titled “Plug in - rethinking vertical wall system,” is based on the concept of customizing storage based on needs. Module will work with Roshni to optimize her "storage wall" to integrate the design into the company’s first homes. This June, Roshni will work with competition co-sponsers Roboto NYC to finalize the fabrication of the system.

Roshni’s winning design entry, titled “Plug in - rethinking vertical wall system,” is based on the concept of customizing storage based on needs.

Roshni’s winning design entry, titled “Plug in - rethinking vertical wall system,” is based on the concept of customizing storage based on needs.

Founded in the spring of 2016, East Liberty-based Module Design LLC designs adaptable houses that utilize an interlocking system to add rooms to the upstairs or rear of the building as the owner's needs change over time. Home designs range from 600 to 1,600 square feet, with priority placed on space efficiency and sustainable features.