Announcing the release of the 2019-2021 Advanced Synthesis Option Studios (ASOS) Catalog. Released each year, the ASOS catalog contains descriptions of all the studios for Fall 2019, as well as information for the options in subsequent semesters. We are excited for the wide range of intriguing studios coming up this fall:
Future Dense: Affordable Housing in a High-Rise Form
Akhil Badjatia, Adjunct FacultyFuture Fictions: Identity, Aesthetics, and the American City
Heather Bizon, Adjunct FacultyPorch: A Design-Build Intervention with Wilkinsburg’s Community Forge
Steve Lee, Professor & Head + Liza Cruze, Associate Studio ProfessorBouca Social Housing: Making the City Fabric versus Monument
Gerard Damiani, Associate Professor + Mark ShapiroSubject to Change: And Other Inevitables of Time
Jeremy Ficca, Associate Professor + Francesca Torello, Special FacultyCommoning the City: Year-Long Research-Based Design Project
Stefan Gruber, Associate Professor + Jonathan Kline, Associate Studio ProfessorTerminal Systems: JFK Terminal 4 Concourse Expansion
Hal Hayes, Studio ProfessorINFRAstructure Studio: Forces Underlying Urban Form
Christine Mondor, Adjunct Faculty
Students are invited to register their preferences for Fall 2019 ASO studios on the form recently sent out to them via email by Monday 29 July at 12:00pm EST. The fall 2019 ASO studio allotments will be announced on Monday 12 August.
The ASOS are vertically-integrated advanced studios that encourage inter-disciplinary collaboration from the arts and technology, research and design, large scale urban and ecological thinking, to detailed investigations of materials, fabrication strategies, and form strategies – the heart of the CMU and SoA experience. Offered every semester, the studios cover various topics chosen by studio faculty based on their research and design specialties. Topics vary from year to year, and are constantly evolving to keep pace with the rapidly changing profession and global scene. Learn more and view previous studio offerings on the ASOS page.