Atlas of Commoning exhibit at Miller ICA. Photo by Smokey H. Dyar.
An Atlas of Commoning: Spaces of Collective Production
29 June – 22 September 2019 at the Miller ICA
An ifa exhibition in collaboration with ARCH+
Saturday 27 July | 12:00-1:00pm
Saturday 24 August | 12:00-1:00pm
Saturday 21 September | 12:00-1:00pm
The Miller ICA and School of Architecture at Carnegie Mellon University host the international premiere of the ifa exhibition An Atlas of Commoning following its German premiere in Berlin this past year. The Pittsburgh edition of the exhibition includes local practices of commoning and examples of citizen-led urban regeneration. Throughout the summer, a series of workshops, discussions, and tours will provide a platform for the exchange of experiences, knowledge, and skills about gaining agency in collectively producing the environment and communities we live in. In times of cynicism, An Atlas of Commoning shows that there are boundless hopeful alternatives — alternatives that are already in the making all around us. More information on the Miller ICA website.
Events free and open to all.