Vers un imaginaire numérique
Dates: 15 September to 07 November 2021
General opening*: Wednesday, 15 September 2021 from 6:00-8:00pm
Curators: Daniel Cardoso Llach and Theodora Vardouli
*Due to the current restrictions related to Covid-19, there will be no official opening ceremony.
The new exhibition Vers un imaginaire numérique curated by SoA Associate Professor Daniel Cardoso Llach in collaboration with McGill Assistant Professor Theodora Vardouli opens 15 September 2021 at the Centre de design de l’UQAM in Montréal, Canada. The exhibition explores the emergence of new methods for design representation, simulation, and manufacturing linked to digital computers’ capacities for information processing and display, and reflects on its contemporary repercussions across architecture, art, and design.
The 4,000 sqft show expands and adapts to the Canadian context Prof. Cardoso’s show Designing the Computational Image, Imagining Computational Design initially presented at the Miller Institute of Contemporary Art at Carnegie Mellon University. The exhibition takes both a historical and contemporary look at the role of digital tools in the process of generation of forms in design and architecture. Showcasing a unique selection of photographs, films, high-quality reproductions, interactive software reconstructions, and works by present-day practitioners, it examines the confluence of technical developments in graphics and software with the emergence of new aesthetic languages and theoretical sensibilities in design, architecture, and other creative fields.
A team of Computational Design students including Jinmo Rhee, Emek Erdolu, Erik Ulberg, Maria Vlachostergiou, and Mali Tribune contributed to the show's curation and design, and to the preparation of several interactive pieces that will be on display in Montréal.
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