Scott Smith, Adjunct Faculty
After more than 32 years serving as the Director of the School of Architecture SHOP, Scott Smith has handed the reigns over to Jon Holmes, who served as the Assistant Director of The SHOP for the past 4 years. Scott will be returning for the 2017-18 academic year as an adjunct faculty member to teach one elective class in the fall and one in the spring.
“It has been an honor to be a part of this great school and to work with all of the incredibly smart and talented people here,” Scott remarked.
“I believe Jon will fit right inas those of you who have worked with him already know. He has great plans for The SHOP which will soon begin. I will be looking forward to continuing as part of this community in The SHOP and invite you to visit when I am here.”
SoA Head Steve Lee’s involvement with The SHOP goes back to his days as a student monitor that was part of the team that set up the original SHOP in Doherty Hall in 1971. “The SHOP has always been a major part of my creative life,” Steve said. “I can't begin to explain what a truly excellent director Scott has been during his entire tenure. He is an amazing artist and craftsman, but beyond that in his role as an educator he is creative, patient, nurturing, and extremely facile. On a personal level, I know that every project I worked on – from the Solar Decathlon to the furniture built for my house and studio – each was made better by discussion with Scott. I convinced Scott to stay on as an adjunct so that he can continue to share his knowledge and expertise with the entire SoA community.”
Join us in congratulating Scott on his accomplishments as director; we wish him the best of luck in his new role with the SoA.