SoA Partners with Politecnico di Torino for Re-Industry Seminar 10 May


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You are invited to attend a Seminar on the relationship between cities and industrial production. The Seminar has been organized by the School of Architecture of Carnegie Mellon University (Stephen Lee, Head) and the Department of Architecture and Design of Politecnico di Torino (Matteo Robiglio, Professor).

The seminar will investigate the impact of industrial production on cities from an architectural and urban design perspective.

Donald Carter (Director, Remaking Cities Institute) and Roberta Ingaramo (Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Torino) will introduce the topic.

Caterina Montipò (PhD Candidate, Politecnico di Torino) will address how new forms of production are reshaping urban contexts by re-purposing existing industrial structures and infrastructure.

Virginia Arlotto and Francesca Nuzzo (Masters Students, Politecnico di Torino) reconsider two vacant industrial buildings in Pittsburgh’s Strip District vacancies as an opportunity for urban manufacturing to be re-established in the city.

Master of Urban Design students from CMU will present their analysis of the role existing industrial buildings in the revitalization of Wilkinsburg.

Donald Carter and Roberta Ingaramo will moderate a discussion with the speakers and the audience.