Gerard Damiani Receives Full-Tenure as Associate Professor

We are proud to announce that Gerard Damiani, AIA, NCARB has been awarded full-tenure as an Associate Professor in the School of Architecture.

Gerard has been with the SoA since 1996, where he has served as both an adjunct and associate professor in architectural design teaching and/or coordinating first, second, third, Advanced Synthesis (fourth and fifth), and fifth year (thesis) design studios. His professional practice activities include works that have been published in Azure, Architectural Review, and Dwell.

“I have had the distinct pleasure of teaching with Gerard at the SoA since 1996,” says SoA Head Steve Lee. “The award of tenure this year is very well deserved and of the utmost importance to the school. When one conjures up the image of an architect, one could not help but imagine Gerard; he is the consummate professional. He embodies the principles of critical regionalism in his practice and in his teaching.”

"The materials I work with are commonplace; however, my curiosity about them and their methods of assembly are not,” says Gerard of his work. “I champion architecture that is clear, precise, and well detailed; my reputation for design excellence is based on the materials, details, spatial principles and sensitive, sustainable methods that are hallmarks of my work."

Steve considers Gerard’s experience a great asset to the school. “I taught Materials & Assembly at Carnegie Mellon for over twenty years,” Steve remarks, “and it gives me great peace of mind to have been able to pass the baton of this program to Gerard – an educator that I admire for his passion, knowledge, and ability to engage students at the highest level.”

Gerard is the founder and president of studio d'ARC architects, P.C. A graduate of Syracuse University, where he received his Bachelor of Architecture degree with honors, Gerard is an NCARB certified and registered architect with professional licenses in New York and Pennsylvania. He has been in practice since 1990, and as principal of his own firm since 1996.