Jeremy Ficca to Co-Chair 2019 ACSA Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh


The School of Architecture is pleased to announce that Associate Professor Jeremy Ficca will co-chair the 2019 ACSA Annual Meeting to be held 28-30 March 2019 at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Titled Black Box: Articulating Architecture’s Core in the Post-Digital Era, this conference will bring together academics from North America and beyond.

Conference Overview
In his final essay, written while on life-support and published posthumously, the prolific architectural critic Reyner Banham attempted to draw a distinction between architecture and other modes of design. Banham’s essay likened the discipline of architecture to a black box – a device known only through its inputs and outputs, but never through its content. The elusive and absolute quality of architecture that Banham wanted to articulate resided, for him, in the how rather than the what, in the performance of architecture rather than its meaning. For Banham, the trope of the black box alludes to an absolute quality of architecture, a disciplinary core, but one senses in the unfolding of his argument, a similar dilemma to the one Chief Justice Stewart Potter encountered in his refusal to define pornography, and his defiant claim that he knows it when he sees it. In the nearly thirty years since the essay’s publication, we find ourselves in a post digital world in which architecture has continued to broaden its arsenal of techniques and operate across an increasingly expanded field. The driving questions for this conference are: Has this unprecedented proliferation and migration distanced architecture from its disciplinary core or helped to transform and reinstate it? And what impact do these radical transformations in architecture’s cultural production have on the discipline?

If Banham’s ruminations migrate towards architecture’s core, then at the opposite extreme Jane Rendell, architect and critic, conceptualizes architecture as a subject encompassing a number of disciplinary approaches. Contemporary architectural education reflects this breadth, encompassing nearly as many approaches and methods as there are educators. Given this exceptional diversity, the conference asks a deceptively simple question: What constitutes the core education of an architect? This question is complicated by synthetic curricular approaches that foreground the imbrications of design, technology and history/theory, promiscuously appropriating techniques across these distinctive epistemologies.

Call for Session Topics: Submissions due 28 February 2018  
ACSA and the conference co-chairs invite paper session topics that will generate considerable discussion and that articulate architecture’s core: its curricular core, its core assertions, and its core techniques. We welcome proposals that interrogate method, research and practice, considering both their disciplinary bounds and the ongoing proliferation of promiscuous hybrids. Learn more and submit a session topic here.