inter·punct Guest Lecture with Desmond Delanty Wed 27 Mar @ 4:30pm


Join us on Wednesday 27 March from 4:30-5:30pm in MMCH 303 for a conversation with inter·punct guest lecturer Desmond Delanty of the Hangzhou Art & Design Collaborative. Event is free and open to the public, refreshments will be provided.

No matter how its boundaries are re-defined, architecture still provides shelter, erects structures, organizes movement as well as ideas, stimulates perception, and engages culture. Yet, how do we proceed? As architects, what are we supposed to do and how do we learn to speculate creatively? Desmond DeLanty and Hangzhou Art & Design Collaborative confront these issues directly, tackling ideation, iteration, modeling, construction, testing, and remaking. The design-build studio is a typology of pedagogy, a typology of practice, and a typology of production. Come listen to Desmond speak about his teaching and his practice, and how the one-to-one connects us to material, to ourselves, and to one another. Watch the trailer below.