Announcing the Winners of the 2020 SoA Awards Program


The Carnegie Mellon University School of Architecture is proud to announce the winners of the 2020 SoA Awards Program. Since we are not able to hold an in-person ceremony this year due to the global health crisis, each winner received a phone call from the awards committee to personally congratulate them ahead of today’s announcement. The school is also collecting photos and videos that will be compiled into a forthcoming feature on the SoA website and social media channels. This year’s Award Committee Chairs are Stefan Gruber and Joshua Bard.

Please join us in congratulating the winners on their tremendous accomplishments, and thanks to all of those who participated in this year’s competitions.


George W. Anderson, Jr. Award
This award recognizes graduate students who demonstrate “an exceptional level of attention to detail and dedication to beneficially impacting the community” through a completed project.

Winner: Abhinavv Singh, MUD ‘20
Title: Architecture of Associations: Persistence of Memory
Award: $2,500

Winner: Emek Erdolu, PhD-CD ‘23
Title: D+G_D: A CAD Modeling Interface for Urban Design and Evaluation in Singapore Award: $1,500

Winner: Amulya Surapaneni, MSSD ‘21
Title: Housing for All
Award: $1,500

Winner: Srinjoy Hazra, M.Arch ‘20
Title: The Hugli River of Cultures Project
Award: $1,500

Jury: Dana Cupkova, Stefan Gruber, Kai Gutschow, Stephen R. Lee, Daniel Cardoso Llach, Vivian Loftness


Burdett Assistantship
This award supports students pursuing their first professional degree in architecture for projects and activities that will enhance their future work. The winner “shall possess love of their subject, integrity, patience, fairness, and respect for others.”

Winner: Shariq Shah, B.Arch ‘22
Title: Interrogating the Temporal and Exploring Tectonics
Award: $4,000

Winner: Sharleen Devjani, M.Arch ‘21
Title: Staying Afloat
Award: $4,000

Jury: Stephen R. Lee


Ralph H. Burt Jr. and Alva L. Hill Scholarship
This award provides financial support to a M.Arch student whose work focuses on sustainable environments, performance-based design, and systems integration throughout the design process.

Winner: Shailaja Patel, M.Arch ‘21
Title: Versatility - Earthen Beehive to Ikea Flat Pack
Award: $2,200

Jury: Stephen R. Lee


Alwin Cassens, Jr. Memorial Fund in Architecture
This award provides financial support to students who are traveling to conferences or other events related to their academic pursuits in public interest design.

Winners: Alison Katz, B.Arch ‘20 & Alex Lin, B.Arch ‘20
Travel: Attending Structures For Inclusion (SFI) 2020 Conference
Award: $2,200

Jury: Stephen R. Lee


Deller Prize in Sustainable Architecture and Real Estate
This award encourages architecture students to pursue non-traditional career paths, specifically to grow their skills in the specialty of design, construction, and sustainability under the umbrella of the real estate business.

Winner: Cassandra Howard, B.Arch ‘21
Award: $4,500

Jury: Stephen R. Lee, Vivian Loftness, Valentina Vavasis, Nina Baird, Don Carter, Dana Cupkova


Fourth-Year Design Awards

The SoA recognizes design excellence through the Fourth-Year Design Awards program. The 2020 theme is Versatility, which emphasizes the designer’s ability to be multifaceted, dexterous, and resourceful. All fourth-year B.Arch students are invited to submit a digital portfolio and a personal statement positioning their work in relation to the year’s theme.

The Fourth-Year Design Awards include the Luther S. Lashmit and Louis F. Valentour Traveling Scholarships, the Ralph H. Burt Jr. and Alva L. Hill Scholarship, and the Stewart L. Brown Memorial Scholarship.

Finalists for this year’s Fourth-Year Design Awards were: Colleen Duong, Vanshika Gandotra, Cassie Howard, Leah Kendrick, Ryu Kondrup, Rachel Lu, Brandon Smith, and Carmen Yu.

  • Luther S. Lashmit Award
    This award recognizes design excellence and supports international travel.

    Winner: Hsiao Tyng Peck, B.Arch ‘21
    Award: $2,500

    Winner: Gil Jang, B.Arch ‘21
    Award: $2,500

    Jury: SoA Regular & Special Faculty

  • Louis F. Valentour A’49 Traveling Scholarship Fund
    This award recognizes design excellence and supports international travel.

    Winner: Christoph Eckrich, B.Arch ‘21
    Award: $6,000

    Winner: Daniel Noh, B.Arch ‘21
    Award: $3,000

    Jury: SoA Regular & Special Faculty

  • Ralph H. Burt Jr. and Alva L. Hill Scholarship
    This award provides financial support to students whose work focuses on sustainable environments, performance-based design, and systems integration throughout the  design process.

    Winner: Louis Suarez, B.Arch ‘21
    Award: $2,200

    Jury: SoA Regular & Special Faculty

  • Stewart L. Brown Memorial Scholarship
    This scholarship recognizes professional promise in terms of attitudes and scholastic achievement.

    Winner: Hsiao Tyng Peck, B.Arch ‘21
    Award: $9,000

    Jury: Pittsburgh AIA Jury Members


Gindroz Prize for Summer Travel and Study in Europe
The mission of this award is to enrich lives and enhance education through travel and the study of traditional architecture, urbanism, and music. Each year, the award recognizes one School of Architecture student and one School of Music student pursuing study in European towns and cities.

Winner (Architecture): Vincent DeRienzo, B.Arch ‘21
Title: Vibrancy of the European Streetscape
Award: $6,000

Jury: Jeremy Ficca, Stephen R. Lee


Ferguson Jacobs Prize in Architecture
This award supports projects that explore the classical tradition as vital knowledge to an architect’s education, practice, and scholarship. The prize is available in alternating years to SoA students and faculty; the 2020 prize is a student award.

Winners: Keon Ho (Hugh) Lee, B.Arch ’20 & Kornrat Euchukanonchai, B.Arch ’20
Title: From Tradition to Innovation: Sigurd Lewerentz‘s Material Language
Award: $5,000

Jury: Stephen R. Lee, Gerard Damiani, Francesca Torello, Michael Mesko (ICAA)


Payette Prize in Building Science
Payette Associates established this award to recognize the accomplishments of a B.Arch student that has achieved exceptional performance by integrating the fundamentals of building science in their design work.

Winner: Ryu Kondrup, B.Arch ‘21
Award: $4,500

Jury: Stephen R. Lee, Dana Cupkova, Vivian Loftness, Nina Baird


EPIC Metals Competition
The EPIC Metals Corporation sponsors this competition for third-year B.Arch students to design an innovative object utilizing metal deck systems. The project brief for the 2020 award was a mobile air quality lab. This year’s finalists were: Clara Zhao & Sean Meng, Xindi Lyu & Carol Huang, and Joanne Chui & Vishaka Nayak.

First Place: Ammar Hassonjee & Paul Greenway
Award: $1,000

Second Place: Steven Fei & Adam He
Award: $800

Third Place: Shariq Shah & Mohammed Rahman
Award: $600

Jury: Steve Potts (EPIC Metals), Advanced Construction Studio Faculty, C.Eckrich, G.Jang


Measuring & Monitoring Services, Inc. Internship Fund
This award provides financial support to SoA undergraduate students who wish to undertake a summer internship or related program under the guidance of established professionals.

Recipient #1: Vincent DeRienzo, B.Arch ‘21
Recipient #2: Christoph Eckrich, B.Arch ‘21
Recipient #3: Jonathan Liang, B.Arch ‘21
Recipient #4: Longney Luk, B.Arch ‘21
Award: $800 each as internship offers have been rescinded due to COVID-19

Jury: Stephen R. Lee



Isabel Sophia Liceaga Discretionary Fund
This award supports faculty-led projects that critically engage students and advance the mission and reputation of the School of Architecture.

Recipient #1: Azadeh Sawyer with Jiarong Xie
Title: Development and Implementation of a Simulation-Assisted Shading Control Framework in the Intelligent Workplace
Award: $2,000

Recipient #2: Daniel Cardoso Llach with Jingyang (Leo) Liu
Title: Support for AlgotectonInstallation at the Washington D.C. Convention Center-SIGGRAPH
Award: $2,000

Jury: Stephen R. Lee