The Advanced Synthesis Option Studios (ASOS) are vertically-integrated advanced studios that encourage interdisciplinary collaboration from the arts and technology, research and design, large scale urban and ecological thinking, to detailed investigations of materials, fabrication strategies, and form strategies – the heart of the CMU and SoA experience.
The ASOS are a set of advanced studios offered every semester on various topics chosen by studio faculty based on their research and design interests. Topics vary from year to year and are constantly evolving to keep pace with the rapidly changing profession and global scene. An ASOS booklet is created each year (see below) listing the likely topics of ASOS studios for the next two years. Students are encouraged to work with their advisors to plan ahead to create a course of study suited to their particular interests and ambitions. Since not every studio is available every semester, strategic planning is necessary. Students may focus or specialize on particular themes such as robotics, urbanism, or sustainable systems for several semesters, or they may connect different studios to satisfy more diverse interests. The theater design and global studios include travel abroad to visit a site.
The ASOS encourage the integration and exchange of ideas of students from various programs at the highest levels. The ASOS include masters students from the MUD, MAAD, MSAECM, MSSD, and M.Arch programs, and students from departments outside of the SoA such as Drama and Emerging Media, as well as upper level B.Arch students.
Advanced SyNthesis Option Studios Catalogs
Fall 2023 ASOS
The overarching theme for the Fall 2023 semester will be announced soon. Each studio will take a different attitude to the intersection of related issues to their studio agenda. We plan discussions within the studios and a colloquy after final reviews to gather positions/findings/oppositions in response to the semester’s theme. In addition, the theme will be reflected in the Public Programs and other workshops/lectures and symposia will support the discourse.