Master of Urban Design student Rebecca Lefkowitz received a study abroad scholarship earlier this year from the Marilyn and Ray Gindroz Foundation. Work conducted during her experience will be on display in the Gindroz Travel Prize Exhibition from November 16-17 in the College of Fine Arts’ Kerr Conference Room.
Master of Urban Design student Rebecca Lefkowitz and School of Music graduate student Ramin Akhavijou received competitive study abroad scholarships earlier this year from the Marilyn and Ray Gindroz Foundation. They have returned to Pittsburgh and will put their international studies on display in the Gindroz Travel Prize Exhibition from November 16-17 in the College of Fine Arts’ Kerr Conference Room.
Lefkowitz studied historical styles in cities and how their roots are still visible as areas transform through time.
Lefkowitz will exhibit her drawings and books in "Between Times," and Akhavijou will give a performance of electronic music titled "Opera and Composition Based on Sounds from Nature."
"For my study, I proposed to use architectural drawing to study the historical styles in a city and how different styles become revealed or concealed, such as a change in leadership causes huge areas to be rebuilt. I am interested in how the city's historic roots still appear through stylistic juxtapositions," Lefkowitz said.
Self discipline is something Lefkowitz practiced on her travels. She completed more than 80 drawings during six weeks of travel.
"Rebecca's work is driven by a genuine intellectual curiosity for understanding how people's behavior shape our cities and how their spaces in turn transform a society's values and relations," said Stefan Gruber, the Lucian and Rita Caste Assistant Professor of Architecture and Urbanism. "There is no better way to study these questions than through hands-on experience and immersing oneself in different urban milieus."
The Gindroz Prize for Travel was established by CMU alumni Ray and Marilyn Gindroz to enrich lives and enhance education through travel and the study of architecture, urbanism, and music. It recognizes the life-changing potential of becoming immersed in a different culture, language, and environment. Ray, who earned degrees in architecture in 1963 and 1965, and Marilyn, who graduated with a degree in music in 1973, first met in Rome while studying abroad. "Both of our lives were changed in dramatic and positive ways through travel," Ray said.
Applications for the 2019 Gindroz Prize and now being accepted. The award is open to full-time undergraduate School of Architecture students and BXA Architecture students in their third or fourth year of study, as well as graduate Architecture students in their first year of study of the Master of Urban Design or Master of Architecture program. For more information and to download the application form, visit
This excerpt is from an article originally published on the CMU News site.