Applications for Anderson Award for Graduate Students due Mon 18 Feb


The School of Architecture is accepting applications for the 2019 George W. Anderson, Jr. Award until 11:59pm EST on Monday, 18 February 2019.

The Anderson Award recognizes School of Architecture graduate students who demonstrate through a completed project an exceptional level of attention to detail and dedication to beneficially impacting the community. The 1st place award totals $3,000 and the 2nd place award totals $2,000. More information available on the Anderson Award page.

The award recipients will be announced during the 2019 SoA Design Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, 17 April from 3:30-5:00pm in the Kresge Theatre.

George W. Anderson, Jr. Award
Applications due 18 February @ 11:59pm EST

The George W. Anderson, Jr. Award may be awarded to graduate students studying in the School of Architecture who demonstrate through a completed project "an exceptional level of attention to detail and dedication to beneficially impacting the community." Graduate students applying for this award are required to submit a narrative describing how the completed project benefited the community, with an emphasis on the craft and detailing of the work. Designs are not to be new designs, but are expected to be designs that have been completed to date. Applicants are also required to submit a Pecha Kucha style presentation about the project, to be presented on Monday 25 March at 12:00pm. It is anticipated that a 1st place award in the amount of $3,000 and a 2nd place award in the amount of $2,000 will be awarded. For more information, and to apply, visit: