Announcing the David Lewis Community Engagement Design Scholarship


The Carnegie Mellon School of Architecture is proud to announce the establishment of the David Lewis Community Engagement Design Scholarship in memory of David Lewis, Distinguished Teaching Professor of Urban Studies at Carnegie Mellon.

During his life, Lewis profoundly influenced generations of students, architects, designers, urban planners, and—most critically—the residents of the communities in which he dedicated his career. Known as “Uncle David” by hundreds of graduates, community leaders, and professionals around the world, Lewis transformed architectural education and practice through his unflagging commitment to empowering every resident to participate in the inclusive design of their communities.

This award is open to all students in the Carnegie Mellon School of Architecture who demonstrate a commitment to working within diverse communities through participatory architectural design processes and who demonstrate commitments to social justice and community service. The School of Architecture will announce the call for applications for the first award cycle in the spring of 2021.

For further details about the award, and to learn more about the legacy of David Lewis, please visit the David Lewis Community Engagement Design Scholarship page on the SoA website.