Marshall Brown — News — CMU School of Architecture

Marshall Brown

"Reframing Utopias: Power and Politics, Visionary and Phenomenological" with Maria Lisogorskaya & Marshall Brown is Wed 04 Nov at 4:30pm ET

The Fall 2020 Lecture and Dialogue Series presents “Reframing Utopias: Power and Politics, Visionary and Phenomenological” on Wed 04 Nov at 4:30pm ET. “Reframing Utopias” pairs Maria Lisogorskaya and Marshall Brown in conversation on a wide-ranging series of issues, including visionary thinking in the built/unbuilt environment, architecture and power, and the phenomenology and politics of materiality and tectonics.

2020 Fall Lecture Series Welcomes Marshall Brown on Mon 05 Oct

The 2020 Fall Lecture Series continues on Monday 05 October at 7:00pm ET as we welcome Marshall Brown for his talk “Recurrent Visions.” Believing that the architect’s role is to test and expand the boundaries of reality, Brown’s projects give form to the interactions between architecture, power, and acts of world-making. The event is free and open to all, and advance registration is not required.