The Remaking Cities Institute (RCI) is the School of Architecture’s research center for urbanism, participatory action and community design.
RCI’s mission is to catalyze spatial equity and resilience in the future of cities. It provides a forum for transdisciplinary discourse and collaboration, radical imagination, creative advocacy, and place-based activism in response to the most urgent contemporary issues in urbanism. It contributes to the Pittsburgh region’s revitalization and advances community leadership in that process.
RCI News
Announcing the New Director of the Remaking Cities Institute
The Carnegie Mellon School of Architecture (SoA) is pleased to announce Stefan Gruber as the new director of the Remaking Cities Institute. Stefan is an architect, urbanist and associate professor in the SoA where he directs the Master of Urban Design program. He succeeds Ray Gastil in his new role, formally known as the David Lewis/Heinz Endowments Directorship of Urban Design and Regional Engagement.
Nida Rehman’s work on environmental justice recognized
Assistant Professor Nida Rehman is a recipient of the 2022 SOM Foundation Research Prize, which will support a collaborative project entitled "Taking Back the Air" with North Braddock Residents For Our Future and General Sisters. The project builds on the Master of Urban Design Systems studio's community engagements in Braddock and North Braddock since 2021 that was recently featured in the Public Source article “In Braddock, imagining environmental justice for a ‘sacrifice zone.’”
“In Commons” 111th ACSA conference in St. Louis
Architecture faculty Stefan Gruber, Jonathan Kline and Christine Mondor represented Carnegie Mellon at the 111th ACSA Annual Conference “In Commons,” that took place from March 30. to April 2.2023 in St. Louis. Key notes were presented by Sharon Egretta Sutton and Francis Kéré. (…) Christine Mondor presented a co-authored paper on "HELIOStudio and the Energy Commons: The Third Generation of Energy Landscapes," Jonathan Kline presented on "Reorienting Urban Design Methods for Commoning," and Stefan Gruber, who served on the conference's steering committee, facilitated a special session on "Decommodifying Housing" and presented a paper on "Mutual Aid Housing Cooperatives - Uruguay's Public-Commons Institutional Ecosystem." More details on the program here.
Designing With/Learning From Symposium at University at Buffalo
Associate Professor Stefan Gruber presented at “Designing With / Learning From,” a one-day symposium at University at Buffalo, investigating the role of universities in designing inclusive, meaningful and transformative places with disinvested neighborhoods of American cities, and learning from this process. Other panelists included Lisa Domenica lulo, Terry Schwarz, Janice Shimizu, Rusty Smith, Virginia Standard. More details on the program here.
School of Architecture’s e-SPAN letter on Social Justice
Carnegie Mellon Architecture’s e-SPAN newsletter from March 2023 announces the re-launch of School’s UDream program and features Paúl Moscoso Riofrío (MUD ‘18) and his work with University of California San Diego’s Center on Global Justice, where he leads both programmatic and design elements of the Center’s Community Stations project.
morgan newman presents at crossroads
PhD student Morgan Newman presented her paper “Black Placemaking At The Periphery: Paradox Of Place in Black Socio-Environmental Relations” at the UT Austin, School of Architecture PhD symposium, Crossroads: Uncovering the Histories of the Built Environment in the Americas and the Global South.
Director of pittsburgh City Planning speaks at cmu
Karen Abrams, Director of City Planning at the City of Pittsburgh presented the 2023 David Lewis lecture on Urban Design and Social Equity, opening the Architecture School Spring 2023 Public program series on Extractivism. Watch her inspiring talk on Just Transitions for Pittsburgh here.
The Commoning the City studio travel to Buenos Aires for field work and the opening of the travelling exhibition “An Atlas of Commoning” at Museum of Architecture
The Commoning the City Studio, led by professors Stefan Gruber and Jonathan Kline travelled to Buenos Aires and Montevideo in the Fall’22 with 13 Master of Urban Design students for field work on practices and spaces of commoning for the traveling exhibition “An Atlas of Commoning.” The fourth iteration of the ifa-exhibition (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) in collaboration with ARCH+ opened at the Buenos Aires Museum of Architecture on October 21.2022. The research on local case studies for Buenos Aires and Montevideo was developed in cooperation with faculty members and students at the School of Architecture and Urbanism of Buenos Aires (UBA FADU) and Montevideo (UdelaR FADU). On October 22, the student teams presented their research as part of the FestiAtlas program that accompanied the exhibition. The new case studies will be integrated into the Atlas as it continues to travel the world.
Stefani Danes studio envisions community service hubs in Oakland
In Fall’22 the Master of Urban Design Placemaking Studio, led by professor Stefani Danes collaborated with Oakland Planning and Development Corporation to envision five Community Service Hubs identified by the Oakland Plan to provide gathering space and access to after-school programs, child care, Wi-Fi, technology, and other services. Review the students’ design as presented to the public on OPDC website here.