UDBS undergraduate and graduate student alumni
Catalytic projects completed and in the works
Value-added products designed featuring material reuse
2017 AIA Pennsylvania Architectural Excellence Social Impact Award, RE_DEMPTION: A Wall That Unites
2017 AIA Pennsylvania Architectural Excellence Social Impact Award, Trade Institute of Pittsburgh
2017 AIA Pittsburgh Interior Architecture Honor Award, Trade Institute of Pittsburgh
2017 AIA Pittsburgh Design + Innovation Honor Award, FIRST COURSE Cafe
2017 AIA Pittsburgh Design + Innovation Certificate of Merit, RE_DEMPTION: A Wall That Unites
2016 AIA Pennsylvania Architectural Excellence Award, NavADAPT LAB
2016 AIA Pittsburgh Architecture Award of Excellence, Floriated Interpretation
2016 AIA Pittsburgh Design + Innovation Award of Excellence, NavADAPT LAB
2015 SEED Award Honorable Mention, PROJECT RE_
2015 Design Intelligence 30 Most Admired Educators, John Folan
2014 AIA Pennsylvania Architectural Excellence Award, RE_FAB: Mobile Fabrication Lab
2014 AIA Pennsylvania Architectural Excellence Award, PURIFLUME
2014 AIA Pittsburgh Design + Innovation Award of Excellence, RE_VIEW: Southern Exposure
2014 AIA Pittsburgh Green Design Citation, RE_VIEW: Southern Exposure
2014 ACSA Collaborative Practice Award, PURIFLUME
2013 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture Exhibit, PURIFLUME
2013 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture Exhibit, BY DEMONSTRATION
2013 ACSA Collaborative Practice Honorable Mention, RE_IMAGINE Leslie
2013 AIA Pittsburgh Design + Innovation Award of Excellence, PURIFLUME
2011 National SEED Award Winner, CAFE 524
2010 ACSA Collaborative Practice Award, Hamnett Homestead Sustainable Living Center
A piece of history: Heinz Endowments is revamping the 31st floor of EQT Tower by Joyce Gannon, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (November 11, 2016)
Design Inclusion by Jeff Fraser, h Magazine - Issue 2 (October 21, 2016)
Pittsburgh: Innovation in the Steel City by Kelli Hill with Katie Couric [video], Yahoo! News (March 10, 2016)
PROJECT RE_, a Building Within a Building, Gives New Life to Old Materials by Kim Lyons, Next Pittsburgh (November 17, 2015)
Design build social venture Project RE launches with big goals in North Point Breeze by Tim Schooley, Pittsburgh Business Times (November 17, 2015)
AIA Awards by Charles Rosenblum, Pittsburgh Articulate (October 21, 2014)
Slip Sliding Away by Olivia London, Carnegie Mellon Today (January 2013)
Abandoned pool? Create an EcoBeastie by Emily Shields, Pop City (July 25, 2012)
CMU students design eco-friendly water feature by Diana Nelson Jones, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (July 23, 2012)
Carnegie Mellon Urban Design Build Studio Partners with Ford to Unleash PURIFLUME Mobile Water Filtration System July 18, Carnegie Mellon News (July 13, 2012)
News Video: CMU students design 'eco friendly' home for county family by Hannah Paczkowski, New Castle News (May 17, 2012)
The Great Wall by Shannon Deep, Carnegie Mellon Today (July 2011)
University Design-Build by Ingrid Spencer, Architectural Record (December 2010)
Meeting notes - 524 Cafe, June 16, 2010 by Elwin Green, Homewood Nation
Homewood's Cafe 524 blends community with sustainability and coffee by Debra Diamond Smit, Pop City (June 16, 2010)
CMU to create business incubator, community cafe in Homewood by Diana Nelson Jones, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (June 8, 2010)
Wilkinsburg sees start of Sustainable Living Center by Caralyn Green, Pop City (September 09, 2009)