Francesca Torello

Francesca Torello Presents at First Virtual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians

Francesca Torello’s paper, "Experiencing Architecture: Augmented Reality from the Museum to the Classroom," is part of the "Digital Pedagogies" session, which examines the long-term consequences of the use of digital technologies in museums and architectural exhibitions, and their impact on the teaching of architectural history.

Professor Francesca Torello Selected to Participate in National Endowment for the Humanities Program

Adjunct Professor Francesca Torello, PhD has been selected to participate in a four-week program with the National Endowment for the Humanities Institute this July at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. “Museums: Humanities in the Public Sphere” approaches museums as sites for interdisciplinary inquiry that offer windows on today's educational, ethical, and cultural debates.

Francesca Torello Discusses Future of Technology and the Arts in Education During TripTech Roundtable Event

Adjunct professor Francesca Torello recently took part in a roundtable discussion about the arts and technology in education for the future as part of TripTech, a three-day event series organized by the CMU English department, the Center for Diversity & Inclusion, and Google in cooperation with a wide variety of artists, activists, and educators from CMU and the wider Pittsburgh area.

Francesca Torello and Joshua Bard Publish Journal Article in Dialectic VI: Craft for Plaster ReCast App

Adjunct Professor Dr. Francesca Torello and Associate Professor Joshua Bard published an article in the journal Dialectic, issue VI: Craft - The Art of Making Architecture describing the development of Plaster ReCast, a mixed reality app designed to enhance visitor experience at museum plaster cast collections.

SoA's Augmented Reality App Puts Museum Visitors in Touch with Architectural History

Plaster ReCast, an augmented reality app developed by SoA professors Francesca Torello and Joshua Bard with a team of students from CMU’s Entertainment Technology Center, helps visitors learn about the Carnegie Museum of Art’s Hall of Architecture historical plaster casts.

SoA's 2016 Spring Awards: Full List

Head of School Steve Lee announced this year's full slate of Spring Awards before the final lecture of the Spring 2016 series on April 4. We'll be featuring individual winners over the next couple of weeks, but click through for the complete list. Congratulations to all winners and participants!