Tuliza Sindi

Ann Kalla Visiting Professor

Tuliza Sindi is an architecture educator, researcher, and practitioner based between the US and South Africa. She is the recipient of the 2023-25 Ann Kalla Professorship in Architecture at Carnegie Mellon University School of Architecture. She founded the masters design-research studio Unit 19 (2020-2022) at the University of Johannesburg's Graduate School of Architecture (GSA).

Tuliza retires design approaches to ‘land’, to work with the ‘ground’ as a calendar and architecture as its metronome within the framework of chronopolitics and property regimes. In 2022, she co-founded cross-disciplinary architecture collective room19isaFactory. with three Unit 19 graduates. Through what they call the practice of ‘Quiet Architecture’ (with ‘Quiet’ as defined by Prof. Tina Campt in her 2017 book, Listening to Images, referring to the practice of performing the future now), the collective speculates about liberating the ground from chronopolitical captivity through myth- and culture-making, toward deriving alternate spatial futures.