ray gindroz
Urban Design associates
Humane Urbanism
M 01 October 2012 | 6:00pm | Carnegie Museum of Art Theater
David Lewis Lecture on Urban Design
Cosponsored by Remaking Cities Institute and the Heinz Architectural Center at Carnegie Museum of Art
RAY GINDROZ is co-founder and principal emeritus of Urban Design Associates. He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, a past chair of the AIA Committee on Design, and a past chair of the Congress for the New Urbanism. Ray is the principal author of The Urban Design Handbook, The Architectural Pattern Book, and The Place of Dwelling. He taught urban design for twenty years at the Yale University School of Architecture. Ray earned B.Arch and M.Arch degrees from Carnegie Mellon University and a Diploma from Centro per gli Studi di Architettura, A. Palladio, Vicenza, Italy.