Reiser + Umemoto

Factual Fictions
M 22 February 2016 | 6:30pm | Kresge Theatre
Alan H Rider Distinguished Lecture

REISER + UMEMOTO is an internationally recognized multidisciplinary design firm, which has built projects at a wide range of scales: from furniture design, to residential and commercial structures, to landscape, urban design, and infrastructure. In 2013, both the Taipei Pop Music Center and the Kaohsiung Port Terminal began construction in Taiwan, and O-14, a 22-story exoskeletal office tower in Dubai, was completed in 2012. The Kaohsiung Port Terminal recently received the 2014 Progressive Architecture Award. O-14 has received numerous international honors, including an AIA Design Award, the Concrete Industry Board’s 2009 Award of Merit, and the American Council of Engineering Companies’ 2009 Diamond Award.  A comprehensive monograph of the building, O-14: Projection and Reception, was released in 2013 in collaboration with AA Publications.


Old School
Jesse Reiser & Nanako Umemoto

Jesse Reiser and Nanako Umemoto speak with inter·punct about the role of technology and theory in architecture. Read the interview on the inter·punct website.

inter·punct is a journal for architecture founded by students at CMU and supported by the Carnegie Mellon School of Architecture.