simon kim & mark Yim
immersive kinematics
Engineering Architects
M 05 November 2012 | 6:00pm | Carnegie Museum of Art Theater
Alan H Rider Distinguished Lecture
Immersive Kinematics is a unique research group focusing on integrating robotics, interaction, and embedded intelligence in our buildings, cities, and cultures. Directed by Simon Kim and Mark Yim, IK is a collaboration between the University of Pennsylvania schools of Engineering and Design, teaming architecture and engineering students in mechatronic projects. Recent collaborations include Technology in Shakespeare, Unethical Machines, a PS1 pavilion, and a Cyborg Ballet. Mark Yim is a Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics and has developed modular self-reconfigurable robots that can transform its shape, walking gaits, and reassemble themselves after being broken into pieces. Simon Kim is an Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture, and Principal of Ibañez Kim Studio. His research has been an architectural engagement with electronic devices, dynamic environments and urban space as a continually changing system.