Wiel Arets
Wiel Arets Architects / IIT College of Architecture

M 23 February 2015 | 6:30pm | Kresge Theatre

WIEL ARETS is a Dutch architect, theorist, urbanist, industrial designer, and Dean of the Illinois Institute of Technology’s College of Architecture in Chicago. He studied at the Eindhoven University of Technology, graduating in 1983, and founded Wiel Arets Architects in the same year. From 1995-2002 he was Dean of the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam, where he introduced the idea of ‘progressive-research’ and co-founded the school’s architectural journal named HUNCH.


Material and the Metropolis
Wiel Arets

Wiel Arets speaks with inter·punct about perspectives and discourses. Read the interview on the inter·punct website.

inter·punct is a journal for architecture founded by students at CMU and supported by the Carnegie Mellon School of Architecture.