lisa heschong
heschong mahone group

Daylighting Frontiers
W 05 November 2014 | 6:30pm | Kresge Theater
Alan H Rider Distinguished Lecture

LISA HESCHONG is Vice President and Chief Building Scientist for TRC Energy Services.  Located in Sacramento California, Heschong spent 30 years as a registered architect, and has devoted her career to a balance between research, writing, and building design. She has served on the Board of Directors for the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) and as Chair of the IES Daylight Metrics Committee. She is especially well known for her research showing a link between daylight and student performance, and she was recently awarded the James Haecker Award for Distinguished Leadership in Architectural Research by the Architectural Research Centers Consortium. Heschong has a B. Sc. from UC Berkeley, a Master’s in Architecture from MIT, and is the author of Thermal Delight in Architecture. In her lecture, Heschong will review how the growing demand for more daylight in our workplaces intersects with building design: from architecture, to interior design, energy system engineering, landscape design and urban planning, and will discuss the responsibility of building professionals and the impact of their designs on both the planet and the well-being of the building occupants.