Groundwork: Race and Aesthetics in the Era of Stand Your Ground Law
M 29 March 2021 | 7:00pm ET via Zoom
Hans Vetter Memorial Lecture
GROUNDWORK: RACE AND AESTHETICS IN THE ERA OF STAND YOUR GROUND LAW Dr. Lewis’ research focuses on the intersection of African American and Black Atlantic visual representation, racial justice, and representational democracy in the United States. Dr. Lewis is the founder of the Vision & Justice Project, focused on the foundational right of representation in a democracy and the relationship between the right to be recognized justly and the role of visual representation in the public realm. More information on her lecture can be found via this excerpt.
SARAH LEWIS is an Associate Professor at Harvard University in the Department of History of Art and Architecture and the Department of African and African American Studies. Her debut book The Rise analyzes the idea of failure, focusing on case studies that reveal how setbacks can become a tool enabling us to master our destinies. Her forthcoming publications include Caucasian War (Harvard University Press, 2022) and a book on race and aesthetics in the Stand Your Ground era. She is also the guest editor of the “Vision & Justice” issue of Aperture—a landmark collection that address race, photography, and social justice. Her articles on race, contemporary art, and culture have been published in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Artforum, and more.