pierre bÉlanger

The Oceanic Turn
M 16 Nov 2015 | 6:30pm | Kresge Theatre
Alan H Rider Distinguished Lecture

PIERRE BÉLANGER PhD is a landscape architect and urban planner, associate professor at Harvard GSD, and director of OPSYS. His academic research and public work focus on the convergence of ecology and infrastructure in the fields of planning, design, and engineering. Dr. Bélanger is author and editor of numerous publications, including Landscape as Infrastructure (Routledge, 2016), Landscape of Defense (MIT Press, 2016), "Wet Matter" (Harvard Design Magazine, with Jennifer Sigler, F2014-W2015), and Going Live (Pamphlet Architecture, 2015). He is recipient of the Professional Prix de Rome in Architecture awarded by the Canada Council for the Arts, and Special Advisor to the US Army Corps of Engineers.