Out of Nature: Everyday Mashups
M 12 Nov 2018 | 5:00pm | Kresge Theatre (map)
Alan H Rider Distinguished Lecture

OUT OF NATURE: EVERYDAY MASHUPS The vernacular is strangely timeless. Commonplace to the place it exists and foreign outside its context. Play makes room for much that is not possible in reality: to slip into roles outside oneself, to take risks without consequences, and to challenge the codes and customs of one’s society. 

HEATHER BIZON is the recipient of the 2018-19 Ann Kalla Professorship in Architecture. Heather is an architect and artist practicing in New Haven, Connecticut. Her works explore the individual's perception of space and public/private domains through new media and technology, sculpture, architecture, and film. Heather has worked in a number of offices, including MOS Architects - collaborating on a range of projects; Luckey Climbers managing the design and fabrication of climbing sculptures around the world, and recently was a project collaborator to Keller Easterling’s Venice Biennale’s 2018 project, MANY. Heather’s work has been included in multiple publications and she has collaborated on projects which won the PS1 MoMA Young Architect’s Pavilion and Architect Magazine’s Progressive Architecture Award. Heather received her B.Arch from Cornell University and M.Arch II from Yale University.  Heather was awarded the William Wirt Winchester Fellowship from Yale School of Architecture, considered to be the School’s most prestigious award. Heather is a registered Architect in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

RESOURCES A selection of reading(s) related to the lecture, see links below. Please note that you must be logged in to Google with your CMU Andrew ID to access the materials.