Matthijs Bouw
One Architecture

The Aesthetics of Resilience
F 28 October 2016 | 6:00pm | Kresge Theatre (map)
This William Finglass Lecture is presented as part of the Resiliency workshop on Saturday 29 October

MATTHIJS BOUW is a Dutch architect, urbanist, and founder of One Architecture (est. 1995), an award-winning Amsterdam and New York-based design and planning firm. The office co-led the winning ‘Dryline/Big U’ proposal for the coastal protection of Lower Manhattan, as part of the post-Sandy Rebuild By Design competition, and is currently working on the first and second phases of implementing this ground-breaking project. In 2015, Bouw was appointed the Rockefeller Urban Resilience Fellow for PennDesign at the University of Pennsylvania, where his work theorizes and positions design as an integrator and innovator among scales, disciplines, actors, and issues in urban resilience and water management projects. He is the driving force between RBD U, a network of design schools that collaborate on resilience issues.